The essence of Rumi’s Masnevi

The essence of Rumi’s Masnevi
Yazar: Prof.Dr. Erkan Turkmen
Yayınevi: Fourth Edition 2002
Sayfa: 371
Dil: İnglizce
It is a remarkable research in English on Rumi (Mevlana Jelal al-Din Rumi) that covers the period in which Rumi lived and the teachings of Rumi’s father, his disciple Burhaneddin Tirmizi and Rumi’s Master Shams. Then the best verses of Rumi’s Masnevi follow in original form (Persian), corrected under the light of authentic MSS. Then the English translation of the verses is given in two parts: a- Literal translation of the verses in Modern English. b- The commentary of the same is based on the best commentaries written in Urdu, Persian, Turkish (Ottoman) and English. Consequently, this new step gives an essential skeleton of the Masnevi in a much more organised way to a reader and a ladder to the spiritual traveller who wants to reach a high stage of humanity.